Unizik Accredited Courses Offered for 2020/2021 Session: Unizik is a Federal university in Nigeria. Its main campus is located in the southeastern part of Nigeria in Anambra State’s capital, Awka, and a second campus is at Nnewi. It is one of the federal universities which are overseen and accredited by the National Universities Commission. The university is named after Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe.

Nnamdi Azikiwe University was taken over by the Federal Government by Decree No. 34 15 July 1992. In 1991, after the former Anambra State was split into Anambra and Enugu States, the Awka and Nnewi campuses of the former Anambra State University of Technology (ASUTECH) were combined into Nnamdi Azikiwe University, which was later taken over by Federal government. The university is named after Nnamdi Azikiwe,.
The first president of Nigeria. The Awka Campus became Nnamdi Azikiwe University. In 1992, the Federal Government of Nigeria took over the University from Anambra State. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, thus, became a Federal University.
Unizik Accredited Courses Offered for 2020/2021 Session below:
Accountancy / Accounting
Adult and Non-Formal Education
Adult Education
Agricultural Economics
Animal and Environmental Biology
Animal Science
Banking and Finance
Business Education
Business Management
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Computer Science And Mathematics
Computer with Statistics
Creative Arts
Dentistry And Dental Surgery
Dentistry and Dental Technology
Drama / Dramatic / Performing Arts
Early Childhood Education
Education / Fine Art
Education and Accountancy
Education and Biology
Education and Chemistry
Education and Computer Science
Education and English Language
Education and French
Education and Geography
Education and Geography / Physics
Education and History
Education and Mathematics
Education and Physics
Education and Political Science
Education and Religious Studies
Education and Social Science
Education Arts
Education Foundation and Management
Educational / Psychology, Guidance, and Counseling
Electrical / Electronic Engineering
Electrical Engineering
English Language
Environmental Technology
Fine Arts And Design
Forestry And WildLife
History and Diplomatic Studies
Hospitality And Tourism Management
Human Kinetics and Health Education
Industrial Chemistry
Linguistic and Nigerian Languages
Mathematics with Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medicine and Surgery
Nursing / Nursing Science
Petroleum and Gas Engineering
Physical Education
Physics with Electronics
Plant Science and Biotechnology
Political and Administrative Studies
Primary Education Studies
Pure / Applied Mathematics
Religious and Cultural Studies
Science Education
Science Laboratory Technology
Theatre And Film Studies
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Nnamdi Azikiwe University Acceptance and School Fees for 2020/2021
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pls i scored 211 in my jamb,is there any hope of me getting admission into medicine and surgery
The course is competitive so we advise having another of course at the mind which is less competitive to that your Medicine and Surgery.