Many candidates are really having misunderstandings about this Mop-up Exam which we are going to talk about. Letโs quickly clear the confusion so you know what they mean when they say JAMB MOP UP EXAM.
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is a body of people who come together to regulate the affairs of exams and understand what issues candidates are facing and how they can fix them.
The truth is during the process of Jamb registration there is always a crowd of candidates who wish to apply for the Jamb form, and when there is a crowd you should have it in mind that much mistakes are bound to happen, ranging from my Jamb biometrics was not captured during the initial period of Jamb registration, Jamb Correction of centres , I change my jamb centre and up till now it has not reflected before the starting of Jamb e.t.c
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) understand all these issues many candidates are facing which is why they introduced this method known as Jamb Mop.
If you are a candidate who is searching for the meaning of the Jamb mop-up exam? the candidates who are qualified for the jamb mop-up exam? when to write my jamb mop up jamb exam? then you are on the right page.

What is the Meaning of the Jamb Mop-Up Exam?
Jamb Mop-Up Exam is an exam which is set for a candidate who applied for Jamb, and could not meet up to write the exam or has an issue during the exam. It is an exam that is set aside for Jamb candidates who have issues such as Jamb correction of centres, biometric verification e.t.c.
Do you know that the Jamb board scheduled a date for the mop-up examination for more than twelve thousand (12,000) students nationwide? who have not seen their results of the March JAMB UTME examination?
However, Candidates who involved their selves and caught in illicit acts of examination malpractice and centers where a case of malpractice has been confirmed against them would not partake in the rescheduled mop-up examinations.
Which Candidates is Qualified for the Jamb Mop-Up Exam?
The Candidate who is eligible for The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) for the Exam is mention below.
- Candidates whose biometrics were not captured during the time period of the JAMB UTME examination.
- Candidates who have not seen their results since the end of the JAMB UTME examinations which took place and was not booked for exam malpractice.
- Applicants who were unable to print out their e-slip during the initial JAMB UTME EXAMINATIONS.
- Candidates whose centers were canceled for malpractice suspicion.
When am I Writing My Jamb Mop Exam?
If you are a candidate who is shortlisted or maybe your centre was canceled and you are searching for when you are to write your Jamb mop exam,ย kindly note that the exam date has not been scheduled yet but you can bookmark our website to know when it will be released.
Important Notice of the mop-up exam:
- Those, who were involved and caught in illicit acts and centres where a case of malpractice has been established against them would not partake in the rescheduled examinations.
- If you are a candidate who misses the exam date giving to you in your jamb reprinting slip maybe for particular reasons have it in mind that you might not really be considered.
I believe this has helped to clear the confusion. However, if you have any more questions concerning the mop exam, please comment below so that we can help you.
When the result for mop up will be released for 2020 please we never see our relsult
The jamb portal promise to release the result immediately after they compute the score
I was captured,bo one told me there’s issues,I wrote nd summit my exams successfully,yet my result is been cancelled to rewrite
Please is the mop up result for 2020 out
The Mop result is not yet Out
Please when will the Jamb 2020 mop up result be released? We need it on time to be able to register for Post UTME. Thanks
The Moment the 2020 Mop Jamb result is released, our team will kindly update you
Good day sir,sir am a candidate of jamb please sir when jamb. Release mop up results, sir we one to know the date
The news reaching us is that candidate should expect their Mop result by the end of this Month
When would jamb release mop up exam result please
You should be expecting your mop exam result this month base on the latest Info reaching us.
Please when will the jamb mop up results be out an if the results is out are we going to meet up with the admission process again I mean will jamb offer us admission time is running out
Jamb pls release our result.
Jamb pls release our result.because some school’s have state there registration.
Check Your Jamb Portal, It seems Jamb have release the mop result
I just checked and it’s says ‘you don’t have result yet’
Good day sir I want to know if the result is out
Kindly check your Jamb Portal because the Mop result was stated to be released this month.
Pls seriously ๐ญ our mop up result is not yet out ๐ก,what is the problem
Pls help us before they start to give admission
Actually, the release of the Mop result was said by Jamb to be out before the end of this month.
Please sir can you please update us when the reault comes out?
For Sure
Pls sir at least help us to find a way to complain to jamb, we need this results on time pls, jamb pls release our moputme results on time pls
Pls jamb should release this results on time, we need it, at least main jamb results was released the second day of exam, so what is delaying our own results?
Sir I don’t know if it’s possible but pls if u can, make jamb release our jamb result very very soon. Pls time is running out ๐๐ฅบ
Plz when jamb will release our mop up exam for alomost a month without any notice whats the problem
Nkedugist sir pls are u sure that the result is coming out before the end of this month.
Kindly go and check your Mop result and get back to us
Pls seriously ๐ญ๐ help us pls ๐
Our results are not out and almost today 28,and you said before this ending month,pls seriously ๐ญ we need that result please ๐๐ please ๐๐ญ
Some candidates have started seeing their Mop Result go check yours and get back to us
Seriously this is not good …… Some of our friends had already gotten admission whereas we’ll did registration at the same time …..we know it’s not yours but nevertheless, you can’t put us in suspense all this while ….. Moreover, why did you called us back for mop-up …when you know nothing is coming out of it.
Las Las …” They’ll say what can they do …this is Nigeria .. they’ll just shout and forget about it…
This is not supposed to be …we pay you for this JAMB …#RELEASEOUR… RESULTS…
The mop result for 2020 has not been forgotten yet… the truth is that some candidates have already started seeing their MOP RESULT… Kindly Check yours.
Sir, how do we go about the admission.virutally all the schools has closed there post utme portal
Hello pls we are still waiting for our mop up result, not yet thing are getting too much alot us are at home busy doing nothing sir pls make it for ur student, because knowledge is power, May almighty God wish us all the best thanks.
When will the mop up exam 2021
When will it start?
And how will I know my exam date
When will the mop up exam 2021
When will it start?
And how will I know my exam date un
I didn’t register 4 d exam of dis year but I wrote jamb last year but am not yet admitted
I scored 210
Hello, please i’d like to find out if i’d be eligible to register for the 2021 jamb mop-up exam, if I wasn’t able to register for the main exam at all.
Thank you
I went there late because of rain and was refused to captured my biometric figer, in this case what can I do??
Can i register for mob-up exam when i did’nt register for the main exam
I thank you alot for this piece.
Please what if I was sick and missed
the exam am I eligible for the exam?
And I have proof.
Sir pls. What if I scored low during my jamb exam can I still register for JAMB MOP….. ..
pls I need answer๐
No is not possible
wiil profilรฉ code use in jambes mop up sir pls need answer
Sir please. what if i scored low score during my jamb exams can I still register for jamb mop up
Pls is their jamb mop up this year if there is when would it start how can I reprint it
How can I register for jamb mop up exam
It is already over for this Year 2021.
Can this jamb mob up be used as post utme
If you pass the Jamb Mop, sure you can use it and apply for post Utme. Is just like your normal Jamb score
Pls,sir,can I be admitted to study accounting at EKSU in affiliation with osun college of education ila,with 200 jamb score
The last time I checked my UTME they told me that my result has not been released yet. Will I be able to write the mop up exam