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Specimen H – Complete green pod of Pride of Barbados Plant
The botanical name of Specimen H
It Is Caesalpinia Pulcherrima
Floral Part of Specimen H
I. Sepals/calyx
II . Petals / Corolla
III. Stamen/androecium
IV. Pistil / gynoecium
Structure of specimen H
- Flower are conspicuous /large
- Brightly coloured plants / greens
- Stigma is sticky
Domestic uses of specimen H
- it is used for beautification
- For medical purpose
- As a source f income
Economic Importance of Specimen H
- Environmental; Ornamental
- Medicines
- Vertebrate poisons; mammals
The symmetry of Specimen H
Bilateral/Bilaterally Symmetrical (because it can be cut into equal halves along only one plane)
Sex of Specimen H
Hermaphrodite/bisexual ( because it has both pistil / male and female organs /androecium and gynoecium).
Specimen H Diagram: Complete green pod of Pride of Barbados Plant

Specimen E – Transverse Section of Ripe Paw Paw
Botanical name of Specimen E : Carica papaya
Classification of Specimen E
It is classified as a type of fleshy fruit
Structure of Specimen E
It consist of three layers which are
- Epicarp
- Mesocarp and
- Endocarp
N:B – The type of fleshy fruit of specimen E is berry
Economics Important of Specimen E
- It has a high nutritive and medicinal value
- it is used in the production of cosmetic beauty product
- They are good source of potassium
Mode of dispersal of specimen E
By small Animals
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Source of Food of Specimen E
Vitamin A and C
Characteristics of Specimen E
- They have pleasant aroma
- The skin colour of Specimen E range from green to yellow.
- Specimen E can be easy press with your thumb.
Specimen E Diagram: Transverse Section of Ripe Paw Paw

Specimen D – Giant land Snail
Habitat of Specimen D
Specimen D lives in shrublands, agricultural areas, plantations, garden, wetland e.t.c
Phylum – Mollusca
Class – Gastropoda
Observation Features that adapt Specimen D to its habitat
Lungs – Adapt to on land habitat through the use of lungs that take in oxygen.
Shells – for protection
Tentacles – for vision and feelings
Rasp tongue – for consumption and digestion
Foots – for movement inland habitat
Economic Importance of Specimen D
- They eat very low on the food web
- they provide food for all sorts of mammals, birds earthworm e.t.c
- They cause great disaster to farmers crop
- they consume rotten vegetation like most leaf.
Mode of the feeding of Specimen D
Is by Scraping and they mostly feed on leaves and insect
Sex of Specimen D
They exhibit Hermaphrodite / Bisexual (The snail with bigger shell are mainly female)
Specimen D Diagram: Gaint Land Snail

Similarities Between Specimen F (tomatoes) and Specimen G (fresh pod of cowpea)
Both have annual life cycle
Both have seeds present
They both have plantation present
Differences Between Specimen F (tomato) and Specimen G (fresh pod of cowpea)
Specimen f (tomato) Specimen G (fresh pod of cowpea)
- Specimen F Is a fleshy fruit while Specimen G is a dry dehiscent fruit
- Specimen F Has axial placentation while Specimen G has a marginal placentation
- Specimen F Mode of dispersal is by an animal while Specimen G Mode of dispersal is by explosive mechanism
- Specimen F have Absence of epigeal germination while Specimen G presence of epigeal germination
Similarities Between Specimen E (pawpaw) and Specimen H (pride of Barbados plant)
- They both serves as a source of medicine
Differences Between Specimen E (pawpaw) and Specimen H (pride of Barbados plant)
Specimen E is a berry ( fleshy fruit) while Specimen H is a dry dehiscent fruit
Specimen E consists of epicarp, mesocarp, and endocarp while Specimen H consists of sepals, petals, stamen, pistil
Specimen E serves a source of refreshment while Specimen H serves as beautification
Specimen E colour range from green to yellow while Specimen H range from orange to
Specimen G – Fresh pod of cowpea plants
Botanical Name: Vigna Unguiciulata
Family: Fabaceae
Classification of Specimen G
Specimen G is classified as Dry fruit
Process of germination of specimen G
Germination of specimen G is exhibited by epigeal germination, i.e during germination, the cotyledons ( seed leaves) are carried above the soil
Economic Importance of Specimen G
- it serves as a source of food
- it serves as a source of income
- it is proteinous
- It is resistance to drought
- it helps to prevent erosion
The life cycle of specimen G
Life cycle: Annual
Placentation of Specimen G
It has marginal placentation e.g of fruit with similar placentation are soya beans, pride of Barbados and flamboyant
Uses of Specimen G
- the green seeds can be used as a substitute for coffee
- the leaves can also serve as vegetable dishes
- it can be used as green manure
Dispersal of Specimen G
The mode of dispersal of Specimen G is by an explosive mechanism
Specimen F – Transverse Section of ripe Tomato Fruit
Classification of Specimen F
Specimen F is classified as fleshy fruits ( fruit crops)
Botanical Name: Solanum Lycopersicum
Life Cycle of Specimen F
The life cycle is Annual
Structure of Specimen F
It consists of three layers which are
- Epicarp
- Mesocarp and
- Endocarp
N:B – The type of fleshy fruit of specimen E is berry
Placentation of Specimen F
It has Axial placentation e.g of fruit with similar placentation are garden egg, orange, pepper e.t.c
Mode of dispersal of Specimen F
It is mainly dispersed by Animals
Source of food by Specimen F
Uses of Specimen F
- Used for industrial purposes
- create employment opportunity
- serve as regeneration of source of income
Specimen F – Transverse Section of ripe Tomato Fruit

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