2022 Waec Chemistry Practical Specimen: If you are a candidate who is in search of a Waec Chemistry practical specimen, then you are at the right website because we try to make sure all our audience studies hard to pass with proper information.
Many WAEC candidates who are searching for the current WAEC Physics Practical specimen should have in mind that is officially released you can now check for your 2022 Waec Chemistry practical specimen here.
On this page, the Waec practical specimens of questions and answers are dropped here. We released the best way to answer WAEC Practical questions with a good reliable source in your Waec Physics Practical examination.
The Chemistry Practical Specimen for 2022 is now officially released for all Waec candidates. All Waec candidates can now Check the official Waec 2022 Physics practical specimen which is released today below.
Is the 2022 Waec chemistry practical specimen released? Yes, the 2022 Waec Chemistry Practical Specimen For all Waec Candidates has been officially Released. Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Liberia 2022 Waec chemistry Practical specimen has been officially released today.

Great care should be taken to ensure that the information given below does not reach the candidates either directly or indirectly before the examination
2. In addition to the fittings and reagents normally found in a chemistry laboratory, the following apparatus and materials will be required by each candidate
(a) One burette of 50cm₃ capacity
(b) One pipette, either 20cm₃ or 25cm₃. (All candidates at one centre must use a pipette of the same volume. These should be clean and free from grease)
(c) The usual apparatus for titration
(d) The usual apparatus and reagent for qualitative work including the following with all reagents appropriately labeled
- 10% dilute sodium hydroxide solution
- Dilute hydrochloric acid
- Dilute trioxonitrate(V) solution
- Silver trioxonitrate(V) solution
- Acidified potassium dichromate solution
- Aqueous ammonia
- Lime water
- Red and blue litmus paper
- Dilute tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid
- Aqueous barium chloride
- Spatula
- Filtration apparatus
- One beaker
- One boiling tube
- Four test tubes
- Starch solution indicator
- Glass rod
- Wash bottles containing distilled/deionized water
- Burning splint
- Watch glass
- Bunsen burner/source of heat
- Droppers
(3) Each candidate should be supplied with the following where n is the candidate’s serial number.
(a) 150cm₃ of iodine solution in a corked flask or bottle labeled ‘An’. These should all be the same containing 25.4g of I₂ in 6.0g KI per dm₃ of solution
(b) 150cm₃ of sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate solution in a corked flask or bottle labeled ‘Bn’. These should all be the same containing 24.82g of Na₂S₂O₃ per dm₃ of solution
(c) One spatula of ammonium ferrous sulphate, (NH₄)₂Fe(SO₄)₂.6H₂O in a specimen bottle labeled ‘Cn’. This must be the same for all candidates
- In all cases, more materials may be issued if required
- The actual concentrations of A and B must be stated on the Supervisors report form. The candidates will assume that the concentrations are exactly as stated in the question paper
- It should be noted that schools are not allowed to amend the information provided on the question paper or substitute any substance/solution for those specified in these instructions
7. The laboratory places should be numbered serially and the candidates should be allotted these places strictly in the order of their index numbers. The number of every specimen supplied to each candidate should be the same as his or her serial number.
8. If a candidate is absent, his or her serial number should not be allotted to another candidate
9. If the candidate is divided into a number of sets, the serial numbers should be continued through the sets, so that no serial number is repeated
10. At the beginning of the examination, it should be ensured that the candidates record their serial number as well as their index numbers on the front page of their answer booklets.
Conducting the WAEC Chemistry Practical Test
- The following announcements should be made to the candidates at the beginning of the examination
“The examiner does not want you to waste your time because you cannot proceed with an experiment. Any candidate, therefore, who cannot get on with the experiment after spending 15 minutes on it, may come to me and ask for help”
- The Chemistry teacher should be allowed to give a hint to a candidate who is unable to proceed with an experiment.
- The following regulations must be strictly adhered to:
- No hint should be announced to the candidates as a whole
- A candidate who is unable to proceed and requires assistance must come up to you and state his or her difficulty. The candidate should be told that the Examiner will be informed of any assistance given in any way.
- A note must be made on the Report Form, of any kind of assistance given to any candidate, with the name and index number of the candidate.
- Report Forms are provided separately, on which you are required to state the following:
- Detailed information about the apparatus where necessary
- Any particular difficulties experienced by any candidate, especially if the Examiner would be unable to discover these from the scripts
- Any departure from the specified items which could not be avoided
- Any assistance given to the candidate under the regulations explained in 5 above
- In cases where several sets of apparatus are provided for a question and specific information about the apparatus is required by the Examiner, each piece of apparatus about which the information is required, and which may differ slightly for different candidates, must be clearly marked with letter A, B, C, etc. and the corresponding information must be clearly reported, showing which apparatus was supplied to which candidates. The candidate should be instructed to record these letters in their scripts
- A completed Report Form must be enclosed in each envelope of scripts.
Nkedugists is here to help you with any of the information you are not clear with or may need an assistant during your Waec stuff. Just be free to write to us in the comment box below or join our forum where answers will be posted for free in other not to make the wrong mistake but achieve success in the end. Thanks for reading.
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Thank you for this info 🙌
Please I needs biology practical questions and answers 2022
Thanks so much for all of those.
Thank you 🙏🏼
Thank you so much,pls send me mathematics and physics theory questions.2022
If he sends mathematics and theory questions to you pls send to me
Is these one the main practical question for chemistry 2022
Pls do you have the mathematics question
Send me physics theory pls and how much is it
It is very useful,I appreciate your efforts.
Pls send maths questions
Thanks for the information
Pls some one should add me to the WhatsApp group 08133906912
Add me to the group 09020088915
Add me to the group
Pls add me to your WhatsApp group
My name is Adejoh
Phone number: 08088199720
Add me to the WhatsApp group please..
Pls sir I need solutions to the chemistry practical and biology practical as well as further mathematics
Pls is this the original question,cos most of the questions are wrong ooo
Like the one I saw for economics it was very wrong and not even close to the waec main question so pls ooo
Help us oo,we must pass waec once this year
It’s not a question it’s just the specimen
Please wat about specimen for chemistry practical alternative B