Check Delsu Post Utme Result: If you are a candidate who is in search of questions like Delsu Post Utme result|what is Abraka cut off mark|Check Delsu Post Utme Result|Delsu aggregate cut off mark, then you are on the right page. kindly check here below
Nkedugists understand how students feel whenever it comes to the writing of Post Utme and the eagerness to check post Utme results. All the update in this page has been confirmed from many different sources to be true and authentic, especially students from Delsu, lectures, and candidate who applied confirmed it. So try hard to make sure that you don’t miss out, on all this information provided here.

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Many candidates have been searching online, tweeting on us our Twitter handle, writing to us on our Facebook page about some issues on Delsu Post Utme result. below are the questions that were asked which are;
- Delsu Post Utme Result
- What is Abraka cut off mark
- Delsu post utme cut off mark
- Check delsu post utme result
- How to calculate delse post utme result
- How can i check delsu post utme result
- Delsu Aggragate Cut off mark
Step 1: Go to DELSU Post UTME result checking portal at

Step 2: Enter your UTME registration number in the required column.
Step 3: Kindly, click the ‘Print’ button to access and print your DELSU PUTME score.
The truth is that DELSU is one of the top tertiary institutions in Nigeria and they try to maintain a certain standard that many other universities are looking up to. It is often said that if you cannot improve on the existing standard, keep the standard the way you found it. There is no way Abraka will decide to beat their cut off markdown below their minimum cut off mark no matter how the minister of jamb declare a low jamb cut off mark.
Therefore, if you an aspirant of DELSU and you scored 180 and above, then you are in safe hands.
The minimum JAMB score requirement for DELSU is 180 and you are expected to beat this cut off mark far above it so that your chances of getting admitted will increase.
This is because any school will want to will not be admitted those who scored 180 first when there are other students that scored 250
The Outlined below is an example showing how to calculate the Delsu Post UTME Aggregate Score. If you have seen your JAMB result as well as your Delsu Post UTME result, you should be able to carry out the calculation below for yourself and no the possibility of you gaining admission this year.
Kindly follow this simple procedure
- Get a piece of white paper and Pen with your calculator.
- kindly divide your jamb score by 8 and write it down on your paper
- Also, kindly divide your post-utme score by 2 and write it down on your paper
- Then total the divided socre you wrote down on your paper. That’s your average score!
If you didn’t get the simple procedure, don’t worry let me guide you with the pratical.
For Instance:

- Asor Christopher got 225 in JAMB, when you divide it by 8 you will get 28.125.
- If Asor Christopher got 53 in the post utme, when you divide it by two, the will be 26.5
- When you add the two result, 28.125 + 26.5 the average will be 54.625% approximately 55%
All candidate who applies to Delsu and sits for their Post Utme can now see the Simple Steps on How to Check Delsu Post Utme Result | Check Delsu Aggregate Score | Easy steps by steps on How to calculate Delsu Post Utme result|What is Abraka cut off mark… Kindly check it here.
If you have written Jamb Utme you will know that Jamb’s total mark score is 400 when you combine the 4 Jamb subjects scores. University of DELSU AGGREGATE SCORE is 50 to 100
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