The Jamb reprinting slip portal is now open for all candidates. Do you know reprinting of JAMB registration slip is quite a simple step? All you would be required to print your JAMB exam slip that reflects your examination schedule is your registration number, email or GSM phone number. Follow the steps outlined below for the process.
All candidate who has already registered for Jamb and is awaiting for JAMB Exam Date, Venue and Time should please note that you have to reprint your Jamb Slip which will give you full details on the date of your examination, time, and Venue of your center.
jamb portal
jamb examination slip
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jamb examination slip 2023
When is Jamb Exam Starting and Ending For 2023/2024?
The new change to the 2023 Jamb exam date, is that the Jamb exam starts on the 29th Saturday of April 2023 and ends on Monday 12th May 2023. All Jamb candidates are required to make sure they reprint the Jamb slip.
This is a sample of how your 2023 Jamb Exam Reprint slip will be when you check yours.
If you are asking questions on How To Re-Print JAMB Exam Slip, then you are at the right place.
Every candidate should take note that the exam slip which contains each candidate’s exam schedule (including time, Date, and venue) and is now available for printing on the JAMB portal.
Nkedugists have made it so easy in such a way that every candidate who registers for jamb can have access to how they can reprint their jamb slip. Now let’s get started,
For all candidates who have registered for the 2023 Jamb registration and you asking when you should reprint your 2023 Jamb exam slip, then get the summary of all your Jamb schedules.
- 2023 JAMB UTME Registration begins on 14th January 2023
- 2023 JAMB UTME Registration closing date is Wednesday, February 22, 2023
- 2023 JAMB Mock Examination will start on the 30th of March 2023
- 2023 JAMB UTME Main Examination will begin on the 29th April 2023
- 2023 JAMB UTME Main Examination will end on the 8th of May 2023
The 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) registration closing date is 22nd February 2023.
The 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) will commence on Saturday, 29th April 2023, while the 2023 Jamb Mock Examination will start on the 30th March 2023 nationwide and the 202 JAMB UTME Main Examination will end on the 8th May 2023.
Candidates are to re-print their Jamb slips 3rd week of April 2023 before the JAMB Exam. In order to familiarize themselves with the examination schedules as no form of excuse for missing the examination will be entertained.
The 2023 Jamb Exam reprint Portal is now available online for all Jamb candidates who registered for Jamb. If you are asking how much is Jamb Reprinting? The cost price for the 2023 Jamb Reprint is not more than 200 Naira.
Check Out Easy Way To Access Your Jamb Slip Reprint Portal For 2023/2024

1. Go to the JAMB UTME e-slip printing page click the link below at Something like this will show
Note that you are to allow the popup to show and then allow it
2. Enter your JAMB Registration Number Email address or Phone number in the appropriate column.
3. Finally, click on the ‘Print Examination Slip‘ button to access your exams
Recommended Link:
- Federal University of Technology (FUTO) Jamb Cut Of Mark
- Top Universities that Accept Low Jamb Scores of 150, 160, 170
The 2023 Jamb Exam Reprint portal is now online, all Jamb candidates can now reprint their 2023 Jamb exam Slips to see their Venue, Time, and Date. The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) activated the portal on Saturday, March 27th, 2023 for JAMB candidates to print jamb examination slips for JAMB 2023.
- The board is advising all candidates to PLEASE print their slips before 10th March, to help them know their examination schedules.
- All candidates are to bring their Jamb printout to slip both the original and the photocopy of it, failure to do so can disapprove you from writing.
- You must be punctual at the Exam Centre before the exam starts in other to avoid urgent mistakes.
- The Jamb Board also use the medium to advise all candidate of the risk of taking any phantom of computer accessories such as; Smartphones, Calculator even Google spec e.t.c. to avoid being tagged as malpractice candidates.
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- How Many Days Will It Take Jamb to Mark and Released My Jamb Score?
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