Is Gce Exam hard? If you are a candidate who is in search of a question like is the Gce exam hard then you are on the right page because we try to make sure all our audience studies are guide with the latest proper information.
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Nkedugists understand how students feel whenever it comes to search questions especially external exam such as Waec, Neco, Waec Gce, Jamb, and Post Utme, that is why we make sure any article we are publishing quench candidate curiosity. Below are what we taught about before publishing it, which are;
- What is the meaning of GCE?
- Is GCE Exam Hard?
- When is GCE 2021 Starting?
- How to read for GCE?
- What is the differences between Waec Gce and Neco Gce?
- Is Neco harder than Waec?
- How to Write Gce Exam?
- Is Jamb harder than Waec?
What is GCE Exam?
Many students are having little confusion about the meaning of GCE and what is it all about. The meaning of GCE is the General Certificate of Education Examination (GCE). The students must spend a minimum period of six years in Secondary School. During this period, students are expected to spend three years in Junior Secondary School and three years in Senior Secondary School.
Is GCE Exam Hard?
So many students online search this topic or rather they ask this question Is GCE Exam Hard? The truth is that GCE Exam is not hard just that there is no proper guide of teachers around you, which means that you are on your own. Candidates are left alone to help themselves, unlike the WAEC and NECO whereby you will see teachers helping all the students.
If you are a candidate who usually study books preparing for GCE and never abandoned books for months or years, then it is not difficult to pass. Another thing that makes internal exams more convenient is environmental psychology, so consider your school of choice you decide to write your exam if is a comfort centre.
When Is GCE 2021 Starting?
Are you a candidate who is searching or interested to know when the GCE 2021 is starting? The GCE is always known to start from October/November as a supplement for those students who did not get the required credits from their WAEC, and NECO results. The standards of the two examinations are basically the same.
You should also know that The Board of West African Examination Council (WAEC) conducts both the SSCE and GCE. A maximum of nine and a minimum of seven subjects are registered for the examination by each student with Mathematics and English Language taking as compulsory.
How To Read For GCE?
How to read for Gce is a simple or easy method for any candidates who are interested to write the GCE 2021 Exam without runs or GCE expo. Nkedugists team is ready to guide all candidates on how to read for gce or pass Waec Gce on this page below. let get started;
- Create a time chart of your current activities
- Have a goal you want to achieve For your Examination
- You should always have a study plan
- Don’t See Malpractice as your only hope try to study hard
- Browse through at least 6 recent years of past questions to get patterns and know familiar questions.
- Work On Your Weak Areas in other for you not regret
Reading just to pass an examination and get a good grade is one of the greatest killers of a student’s potential. Even though wanting to pass GCE Exam and score good grades so that you can make your parent proud and also kill of the wrong impression about you, then we advise you to follow our tips to read for GCE.
Reading just because you have an exam, is not a good enough reason to read especially if you want to maximize your potential and do very well in your future career.
When you read with the primary aim of learning something new and acquiring new knowledge, you will discover that you will start developing more interest in what you are reading and ‘interest’ is one of the things that can strengthen the chemical links and bonds between the neural traces of that subject in your brain.

What is the differences between Waec Gce and Neco Gce?
Questions as been asked numerous times about what is the differences between Waec Gce and Neco Gce. This is a very good question. The difference is that the second exam conducted by The West African Examination Council (WAEC) is Known as WAEC GCE. While
The second examination conducted by NECO is the external SSCE examination which is held in November and December. The second examination is open to anyone who is interested and the NECO equivalent of the GCE.
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Is Neco harder than Waec?
Actually, there is never a time an exam is easier or harder depending on the individual. So if you are asking is Neco harder than Waec? then you are at the right page just kindly check here below.
The fact still remains that Neco nor Waec can’t really be comprehended because is not the same body that set the exam, someone who wrote Waec in 2020 might say it simple while the Neco is hard, and in 2022 someone else might say the Waec was hard while the Neco was simple.
The West African Examination Council {WAEC} has now become one of the hardest examinations for many students to pass, many WAEC candidates have written the examination for 2 to 3 times and some even more than, the West African Examination Council (WAEC) is not that hard to pass but some candidates fail it because they are not taking the proper steps during their preparation for the examination.
In conclusion, majority carries the vote… If you are a student who wrote Waec and Neco what is your opinion about this sentiment of “Is Neco harder than Waec?

How to Write Gce Exam?
How to write Gce Exam is never an issue because is like writing Waec or Neco, just that in GCE not all school has a centre for it, and the exam is conducted by the external supervisor. Your pencil and Pen is ok for the exam.
Is Jamb Harder than Waec?
Every student’s desire is to make sure they come out with a better result. Waec is done by grading while jamb is done by computing of score. If you are asking if Jamb is harder than Waec? the answer is yes Jamb is harder than Waec check out the reasons below.
- Jamb is harder than Waec because Waec is giving a month of duration before the Nine subjects can be taken, the questions are not that complicated if you are good students who study past questions
- Jamb is harder than Waec because further mathematics is involved in mathematics whereas has Waec is not really so.
- Jamb is harder than Waec because is one day in fact 1-hour 45min paper to answer four subjects that cover all the topics
This is another interesting topic many students have been asking for so long which Nkedugists will be published in our next article which are ;
- Can I use Gce to gain Admission?
- Can I use Waec Gce to gain admission?
- How many times is Gce written in a year?
- Is Gce equivalent to Waec?
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please can i bring 4figtable and casio calculator for any type of gce exams
Yes… you are free to bring calculator and your four figure table..
How much is GCE form and when is the closure date
Waec is not hard rather any exam at all,the only way out is to read
Why do you say so? can you give us your reason
Pls when is GCE starting
The WAEC GCE FOR 2023 is starting on Tuesday, 31st January 2023, and ends on Friday, 17th February 2023.
I wrote WAEC in the year 2018 and I have D7 in biology can I still seat and write GCE I just want to write that subject back can I write only the biology please answer me 🙏🙏
Please ,I need past questions for gce second series